Digital Salutem
23 January 2017

Sweden Showcase and the Future of Wearables in Healthcare

By João Bocas

images2016 saw us have fruitful collaborations between One Nucleus and Swedish collaborators on topics such as Digital Health, innovation in pharmaceutical science, the future of the Swedish and Danish Life Sciences and biomanufacturing.

The collaboration continues with Sweden Showcase and BioWednesday London, as One Nucleus showcase nine leading companies and initiatives from Sweden in order to highlight potential business opportunities to the One Nucleus network.

The showcasing will be followed by a UK-Sweden discussion on current investment trends and future of wearables in healthcare. There is an apparent shift in emphasis from investors, away from consumer wellness applications to clinically driven solutions that drive better health outcomes at lower cost.

The panel at this event will discuss if this trend is indicative that there are greater opportunities for value creation for those wishing to develop solutions that help clinicians, patients and payers than for those focussing on wellness applications alone.


15.30 – Registration

16.00 – Welcome from One Nucleus and Host
Tony Jones, One Nucleus
Niall McAlister, Olswang

16.10 – Update on Life Sciences in Scandinavia
Lucy Robertshaw, LucyJRobertshaw

16.15 – Sweden Company Showcase  
Chair: Lucy Robertshaw
Companies Presenting:
Mattias Nystrom, APL
Nima Jokilaakso, Swecare
Anne Dorthe Madsen Brandt, Michael Wamberg and Ulrika Rosdahl, DB Lab
Philip Ridley Smith, Cobra Biologics
Anna Törner, Scandinavian Development Services
Anna Fahlgren, BioReperia
Albin Forslund, Visiba Care
Anders Björlin, Kiwok
Oliver Namin, Min Doktor

18.00 – Tea, Coffee and Networking

18.30 – Talk

19.00 – Panel Discussion on Digital Health
João Bocas, Digital Salutem
Garri Jones, Numis
Nima Jokilaasko, Swecare

20.00 – Drinks and Networking

21.00 – Event Closes

Programme subject to change

Date:01 February 2017

Location: Olswang, 90 High Holborn, London WC1V 6XX


Original Post

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