Digital Salutem
22 March 2016

Digital Health Insights – HIMSS 2016

By João Bocas


This year, once again, the industry leaders from the Healthcare, Medical and Health IT industries came together in Las Vegas for HIMSS 2016.

The event is one of the flagship events in North America, leaders collaborate for a week sharing insights and educate each other in order to transform health with the use of IT.

Health and healthcare leaders know that information technology is changing everything and that businesses need to adopt new business models to achieve sustainability and success. Furthermore, health IT is just another example of the power of digital world that moves so fast and dynamically.
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

At Salutem – Digital Health, we pride ourselves to be at the forefront of the digital health revolution by shaping the industry through opening new markets and sharing strategic connections. We are committed to collaborate with other stakeholders, innovators and start ups because together, we have the power to influence and disrupt the digital health industry.

We would like to share with you the latest insights from the digital health HIMSS 2016. Find the third podcast from the event here in this link.

We are so excited about the future of digital health, new trends are emerging all the time, new challenges occur to be overcome and many new innovations targeting global health issues are made.

Digital health appears to be of the most challenging sectors when it comes to merging business operations, consolidation and implementation of a product. The big difficulty is to improve people’s lives through digital health and all involved in the industry are committed while acting in a single direction.

HIMSS 2016 is a world-class event bringing together world-class leaders. Whether you are a hospital chain ,a health insurer,a major vendor ,a start up or a patient organisation, being involved with an active voice is essential.

Nobody has all the answers; we need each other to move forward faster and more efficiently. I personally found out that collaboration drives innovation. It takes agendas forward, ideas become solutions and on-site projects deliver patient satisfaction.

One final remark, I hear a lot about interoperability in healthcare being one of the serious challenges. Let me ask you… If we don’t work together how can we solve that particular problem?
Let’s not forget that human beings are highly intelligent and our reason for being is to interact with other human beings. It’s a little like interoperability: IT systems only have value if they can interact, communicate and “talk” to each other exchanging the “gold” in healthcare, which is reliable information in order for the healthcare professionals to help patients in the best way possible.

I hope that you enjoyed the post, the podcast and the analogy on humans versus interoperability. Feel free to share with your friends and digital health industry counterparts.

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