Digital Salutem
11 April 2017

Healthcare Leadership Continues to Be an Issue

By João Bocas

Healthcare Leadership

Healthcare leadership continues to be an issue in the sector,  professionals face many challenges including deep rooted cultural paradigms.


Here some examples of poor Healthcare Leadership :

1. The absence of a clearly communicated vision creates a disconnect within and between organisations across the sector: Leaders must create and communicate a compelling vision for their organisation so that management, staff and external stakeholders have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

2. Change is not being managed most of the time, risking failure and ceasing the benefits in the transformation desired: although change is constant, many health sector leaders say the culture of their organisation does not encourage change and may even hinder innovation. There needs to be an honest appraisal of what capability is necessary, and where gaps lie.

3. Uncertainty around how to collaborate is diminishing organizations‘ ability to accelerate solutions based approaches.

The scale of change in the health sector means it will take time for it to operate at full potential. Leaders need to be more practical, pragmatic and avoid the hardly ingrained processes in the healthcare sector.

Hospital Leadership


Hospitals have a lack of leadership, because some of their leaders are just looking for their patients and there is a mistake there. They have to think about their employees, from doctors to nurses. They have to learn to manage them better. If doctors and nurses feel valuable their are going to delivery a better service to their patients.

If you are the director of a hospital try to have the best team and give them everything they need to feel valuable and supported because then they are going to give the best service to their patients and everyone involved is going to feel happy.

You have to give to your staff member the freedom to delivery their services on their own, with their own goals and responsibilities. With that they are going to became leaders of their speciality and at the end, your hospital is going to be a place full of leaders where you have to manage to involved them as a big team who work together and its focus in delivery the best service possible to patients.

Now is coming a new generation of doctors and nurses with new ideas. we have to involved them in the hospital and work together, because old and new ideas working together could be a challenge and opportunity for new ways to delivery healthcare.


The Intersection of Personalised Medicine and Technology

In addition we want to invite you to read the article, The Intersection of Personalised Medicine and Technology, written by our CEO, João Bocas, at page 9 of ICT & Health International #1:


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