Telehealth, remote healthcare or digital health, as you would like to call this digital healthcare transformation saves time and money for patients and private and public healthcare providers.
Telehealth is making healthcare more affordable and accessible. At the heart of this exciting area is a fundamental shift in consumer expectations around care delivery, a trend most starkly illustrated by the advent of recent infectious diseases like COVID-19, where people were self-quarantining and needed online tools to communicate with their health providers.
A lot of international health institud have welcomed telehealth as a fundamental building block of primary health care. A telehealth video consultation takes place between a patient and a professionally trained doctor or other health professional, usually by webcam.
The are too many programmes like a telehealth program, designed to bring healthcare to more people by enabling health professionals to use information technology as digital health (i.e., telephone, video conferencing, and computer) to provide healthcare services and support patients when they need it most.
The digital health workers provide timely care, ensuring patients receive accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.
The benefits of Telehealth to GP and patients
Increasing pressure on GP services by an ageing population and increasing chronic disease means more and more patients cannot see a GP in person. Traditional methods of outreach are not as effective as before and telehealth that includes consultation, clinical decision support, education, reminders and monitoring via videoconferencing is showing to be effective with the right program.
Patients will continue to prefer consultations with their GP. However, as the GP’s main role is to provide advice and prescribe treatment, not always are the technical skills to assist a patient at a certain time required. This technology provides an opportunity for patients to be able to access support from health professionals when they need it and not just at certain times of the day or week.
Streamline resources to enable patients to receive routine care remotely. Access efficient medical services by telehealth, with or without in-person consultation.
We agree that a successful digital healthcare transformation is challenging, but with Digital Salutem everything is possible. Contact us for more relevant details. To find out more about how we can help you with your Digital Healthcare Transformation, Healthcare organizational growth, or Healthcare brand positioning, please get in touch via phone +44 (0) 203 3620421 or via e-mail: