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06 September 2021

The difference between Telemedicine and Virtual Care

By Miguel Sanchiz
The difference between Telemedicine and Virtual Care

Over the past several years, telemedicine and virtual care have become some of the most popular buzzwords used in healthcare. Yet many professionals and facilities find it difficult to determine the difference between the two and how they can be used to improve a healthcare facility or practice. While there is no universal definition for either term, here are some key elements that professionals should consider when choosing which options works best for them.

The healthcare industry is changing rapidly as increasing numbers of providers look to provide quality care at lower costs. Digital technology is improving the way health professionals communicate with patients, breaking down the barriers that can impede a patient’s access to medical care.

Digital health services are an alternative to traditional health care delivery, where patients can receive treatment from physicians remotely. These innovative services are especially beneficial for those who are unable to travel to doctors’ offices or hospitals. Remote, virtual care is a more convenient way for you to access healthcare services when and where you need it.

Telemedicine is a relatively new concept in healthcare, but with technological advances and a surge in consumer demand, the industry is quickly embracing the idea of digital tools to aid in diagnoses. We’d like to clarify some of the confusion surrounding telemedicine and virtual care, as well as discuss some of the benefits of these technologies.


Telemedicine brings the best of medicine to those who need it most. Those who can’t afford to take time off work or travel for an appointment only have a few moments to connect with a healthcare professional. Telemedicine has been proven to be as effective as in-person care, and it’s more convenient for patients. Telemedicine makes it easier to get the healthcare you need, when you need it. No matter where you are, telemedicine apps connect you with care immediately.

Although telemedicine is becoming increasingly common, there are several differences between video consultation and in-person care. Telemedicine allows patients to receive medical care from physicians who are located hundreds of miles away. Physicians use the latest technology to examine the patient, gather information, and diagnose. Although virtual care can be used to treat some conditions, telemedicine is specially trained to handle a variety of less-serious medical issues.

Virtual care

While virtual care can be confusing and intimidating for patients and consumers, it has the potential to deliver better outcomes and lower costs. Basically, virtual care is like regular face-to-face care, but it happens via the Internet instead of in person.

Virtual care uses digital tools to connect patients and healthcare providers in real-time, allowing patients to check in after an in-person visit, monitor vitals after surgery, and communicate with doctors about their diagnosis, condition, or treatment plan. In contrast, telemedicine is a more formal term for long-distance patient care. Virtual care. It’s the natural evolution of healthcare, driven by technology to make it simpler, more personal, and more convenient for both patients and doctors to stay connected.

Trying to find the difference between telemedicine and virtual care can be confusing

Healthcare providers and patients alike sometimes struggle to differentiate between telemedicine and virtual care. Telemedicine is a form of digital care, one that requires a certain level of interaction with a provider. In contrast, virtual care encompasses a set of tools that help people connect with their healthcare team as needed. Telehealth and telemedicine are growing as a popular alternative to physical care as doctors and their patients try to make sense of and use these digital tools. In some cases, healthcare providers may differentiate between these terms, although many don’t.

Many people are familiar with telemedicine, but not everyone understands the term virtual care. It’s a healthcare solution that makes it possible for patients to connect to their healthcare providers in a virtual setting. Because of this, an appropriate term for the digital aspect of healthcare is virtual care. Other than telemedicine, there are lots of other virtual care solutions, such as


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