We took part in the VentureFest East event on 24th May 2016, this was the inaugural VentureFest East at the Newmarket Racecourse in Suffolk.
VentureFest East brought together innovators, successful entrepreneurs and investors to make things happen. The event addressed issues specifically related to building a business in today’s fast moving market and highlight the type of support and funding currently available. Working with our sponsors and partners, including Innovate UK and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), a must attend to those who want to create new business opportunities and help innovative businesses to grow.
Digital Salutem represented by our Thought Leader João Bocas was invited to take part in an Innovation track session discussion organized by One Nucleus. The panel discussion was entitled: Let’s Get Personal – Precision Medicine for Precise Patients.
Tony Jones from One Nucleus shared his thoughts about the session and highlighted some of the main challenges that we face in terms of innovating where security data, healthcare and technology are concerned.
A need to significantly build trust with patients that their sensitive health data is secure, under their own control. This absolutely links to the regulatory environment required
A real challenge for SMEs developing technologies in the space is to identify their first customer. Once securing the first sales, they should snowball. Given the complexity of the UK’s NHS procurement, companies could be best advised selling elsewhere first then returning to the UK (think global!)
Some standards around how we share Big Data are necessary.
Front of mind for all physicians is the need to ‘do no harm’ so robust evaluation of any technologies that influence clinical decision making must reveal that solution to be valid.
Healthcare is complex for most people to understand and hence this is a barrier to adoption. A consequence is that adoption is unable to keep pace with the speed of innovation (which is perhaps happening faster now than at any time in our history in this field).
More info here about other track sessions.
You can also find all the Speakers presentation here.
And finally Dr. Ruth McKernan – CEO of Innovate made a big statement “ innovation doesn’t just happen “ …..leaving us to reflect, endeavor to keep working hard and most importantly collaborate in order to innovate where a win win scenario is certainly the desired outcome.
When it comes to innovation, people are the drivers. With that in mind let’s connect, share, challenge, learn, cooperate and innovate together.
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