With the new year just around the corner, I thought it would be interesting to look back at some of the biggest digital health news stories from 2022.
Here are my picks for the top 10 digital health news:
25 Digital Health Influencers To Follow in 2022
We created this list of 25 digital health influencers to follow in 2022 based on the views, engagement and influence of their channels. With the names listed here and links to each influencer’s respective social media accounts, you’ll be able to incorporate more digital health into your routine.
Here are 25 personalities from the digital health world that we recommend following in 2022. We have taken into account their engagement levels on social media, relevance to the topic of digital health, as well as their biographic background to build a list which reflects the diversity of this community while still fostering a feeling of togetherness and collaboration.
It is no surprise then that many health and medical professionals are looking out for the latest trends and information in the digital health ecosystem. To help you with this task, we have put together a list of 25 digital health influencers to know about in the next 2 years.
List of 25 digital health influencers who are making an impact on the digital healthcare transformation in 2022. The list is categorized into the following sections: Social Media Consultants, In-Person Conference Organizers, Online Meetup Organizers, Healthcare Influencers.
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Advantages and Challenges of Digitization in Healthcare
Digitization in healthcare will improve medical device innovation, data collection and implementation.. While digitization in healthcare offers many benefits, it also introduces various challenges due to the accumulation of sensitive data.
One of the most exciting developments in digital healthcare is the widespread use of telehealth. But it isn’t just a matter of being able to access medical care when you need it. The need for medical care also increases as people live longer, and many of them are living in areas where they are unable to travel to a hospital. The increase in digitization in healthcare is important because people are trying to attain more informed decisions.
People with chronic conditions or ageing parents can’t always get to the doctor, and so they increasingly turn to telehealth platforms such as Skype or Zoom. This is good news for everyone: better quality of life, improved health outcomes and lower costs. But there are also some challenges for telemedicine.
For example, patients often don’t recognize that their condition has changed since they were last seen by a doctor or other health professional; this is because their symptoms may have improved but their physical condition has not changed. In addition, some conditions require a lot of physical therapy that isn’t covered under medical insurance (e.g., Parkinson’s disease).

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Main Challenges in Digital Healthcare Innovation
In this digital health news list we can read the article where we showed you some digital healthcare challenges:
1. The digital revolution is bringing new ways to access doctors and patients.
2. New technologies will affect how information is shared, and how doctors interact with patients in a way that’s unprecedented.
3. Patients will be able to share their medical information at home with peace of mind, while doctors can access it easily from anywhere on their mobile devices or computers.
4. Medical data will become a global resource available to everyone, enabling people to take control of their health care decisions through smart phones or tablets.
5. Doctors will use new technologies to improve patient-physician interactions while reducing physician-patient barriers by enabling people’s own medical histories to be shared on mobile devices.
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How Nursing Informatics In Healthcare Will Change The Way It Works
One of the digital health news was related with nursing informatics. Nursing informatics is changing the way healthcare works. In fact, it’s already changing the way nurses interact with patients. It’s time you take notice!
With the rise of technology and the increasing availability of information, healthcare has had to rethink its approach. The recent years have seen a lot of changes in healthcare that has led to new challenges and opportunities.
Nursing informatics is one such area where there has been a lot of advancement. This is an area where there are still many challenges and opportunities for improvement. The goal of this article is to discuss how nursing informatics will change the way it works.
It is impossible for any healthcare organization to keep up with all the changes happening around it. This means that they need to adapt quickly so as to ensure that they can continue providing quality services. One area that needs special attention is nursing informatics.
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Digital Twin in Healthcare: What It Is, What It Does
Digital twin in healthcare is becoming more and more popular in healthcare industry, so there are a lot of digital health news. They help doctors and patients see the same patient from different perspectives, which can save time and money.
A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical entity, like a machine or a building. It can help you better understand how your equipment is performing, which allows you to make better decisions about how to use it and what repairs need to be made.
For example, let’s say your hospital uses oxygen tanks for its patients. You’d want to know how much oxygen is left in each tank so that you can be sure to keep enough on hand for emergencies. But if all you have are paper records, it will take time and money for someone to check each tank manually—and that means there’s a chance some tanks could run out before they’re refilled.
But if instead you have sensors attached to those oxygen tanks, which transmit data directly into your database every time they’re checked, then you can easily see which tanks need refilling without having to rely on people manually checking them every day.
That way, when someone needs an emergency transfusion of oxygen, there will always be enough on hand. But there are a few challenges you need to consider before using digital twins in healthcare. For starters, it’s important to find a twin who is comparable in terms of age, health conditions and other characteristics. You also need to make sure that the twins have similar genetic profiles so that the data is accurate.
Finally, you must ensure that both parties are happy with the dual use of their information. If all these things don’t pan out, your dual use of twins will likely be rejected by either party.
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What is Digital Twin and How Can It Be Used in Medical Research?
Innovation in digital twin technology is revolutionizing the medical field, and as you see is a hot topic in digital health news. Physicians and researchers can use digital twins to predict health outcomes, optimize patient care, track drug effectiveness and more.
A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical, biological or virtual object. Used widely in manufacturing and other industries, digital twins are also becoming increasingly commonplace in healthcare. Digital twins are used for everything from testing drugs, exploring chemical compounds and predicting outcomes to assisting in surgical planning. As part of this new trend, doctors have started using 3D-printed models of organs and body parts to help plan surgery before an operation takes place.
Digital twins are a virtual representation of an object or process. They are used to represent objects and processes that are too big, too small or too complicated to physically model. With the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence, digital twins have become particularly useful in the pharmaceutical sector as they can be used to simulate potential treatments and possible interactions with drugs and disease.
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7 Technologies that are Changing Healthcare
Technology is changing healthcare and he future of care is digital. And, while it might seem like a crazy thing to say, this is actually true. Our medical system is based on an antiquated model that relies on physical touch and smell to provide patient care. We’re rapidly moving towards a world where we can provide all our patient needs through technology.
In this article we taked about the seven technologies that are changing healthcare:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain
- Virtual Reality
- Robots
- Mapping technologies
- Big Data
- Neurotechnology
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4 Trends That Will Shape Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare
AI is always a hot topic in digital health news. When we think about the potential of artificial intelligence in healthcare, we have to acknowledge that it is only recently that this technology has become a reality. Since the inception of AI, healthcare professionals have been using it in their daily workflow to improve patient care and ultimately save lives. This is a very exciting time for leaders in healthcare and physicians who are looking to capitalize on this opportunity.
What is Artificial Intelligence in healthcare? What kind of impact can AI have on the future of healthcare? As leaders in the healthcare industry, these questions should be at the forefront of your mind. Physicians are looking to capitalize on this opportunity and make their jobs easier while also improving patient care.
Artificial intelligence in healthcare is becoming more of a reality every day. Many people are unaware that artificial intelligence is already being used across the country to improve patient care and help save lives. In recent years artificial intelligence has become more of a reality, and healthcare professionals have been taking advantage of this opportunity to make their practices even better.
It’s important to note that AI is not a replacement for physicians, but rather an enhancement of their practices.

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What Is The Future of VR In Healthcare?
The future of virtual reality VR in healthcare is bright and we talk about that in our digital health newsletter. It’s already being used to help children with autism, postnatal depression and anxiety, and even to help patients with strokes recover. There are still many unanswered questions about how to use it effectively, but one thing is clear: virtual reality has a lot of potential for helping people cope with their illnesses or injuries.
In this article I talked about:
- What is Virtual Reality and VR in healthcare?
- How is VR being used in healthcare?
- What are the benefits of VR in healthcare?
- How can VR be improved for use in healthcare?
- What are the challenges of VR in healthcare?
- What is the future of VR in healthcare?
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Genomic Sequencing is Pathing the Way to Digital Health Through its Covid Response & Innovation
The last digital health news was the one where I wrote about genomics. I am sure that you will agree with me that Digital Health is more relevant and important than ever before.
You may ask how crucial is genomic sequencing to Covid-19 response?

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If you want to get the best digital health news, you can visit our website, Digital Salutem. We will update digital health news every week, so please keep contact with us every week! If you have any feedback or suggestion about wearables and digital health news or anything, please don’t hesitate to send email to us! Check our YouTube Channel, Digital Health & Wearables Series. To find out more about how we can help you with your Digital Healthcare Transformation, Healthcare organizational growth, or Healthcare brand positioning, please get in touch via phone +44 (0) 203 3620421 or via e-mail: info@digitalsalutem.com